9 – Take a break.
If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take a break and go for a walk, read a book or talk to a friend. Do whatever it takes to get your mind off of things. Even if it’s just 10 minutes, that can really help you refocus and come back stronger.
10 – Practice gratitude.
It’s important to appreciate what we have and find joy in small things throughout our day. There are always things to be grateful for, even when you’re having a bad day!
11 – Meditate or do yoga to change your state of mind.
Meditation and yoga are great ways to clear your mind and focus on your breathing and body movements. This can help reduce stress and anxiety
12 – Say it a new way.
When you can’t change the situation or people around you, you can change how you view the problem. The next time you find yourself complaining, stop and say it a new way.
13 – Don’t get caught up in the story.
If you want to be happy, don’t get caught up in the story of your life. We all have a story of who we are and what we’ve gone through in life. It’s our job to update this story as we grow and learn. Constantly replaying our stories never serves us well. If your story is making you unhappy, update it!
14 – Change your posture.
Your posture affects your mood more than you think! When we feel down, our bodies tend to slouch forward, which can lead to feelings of sadness and low confidence. Practicing good posture with shoulders back, chest out and open will make you look strong and confident and make you feel that way too. It’s impossible to frown when your face is open like this! Try it now – smile! Feel better?
15 – Visualize.
The power of visualization is a topic that I have touched on before in my article on the science of visualization. So if you haven’t heard about the power of visualization yet, I suggest you start there first. Visualization is basically creating a mental image of what you want to happen, how you want things to be, or how you want to feel. You create this image in your mind by effectively tricking yourself into believing that it has come true, which in turn will influence your behaviour and habits as well as your attitude and beliefs. But why does it work? Because our brains cannot distinguish between what is real and what is not real when we create an image in our mind. This is because we use the same parts of our brain for both, which means that if we are able to visualize something vividly enough – then it will be almost as if it has already happened in our minds. Elite athletes use visualization techniques to improve their performance. It’s a mental rehearsal of what they want to achieve, and it prepares the mind and body for real-life action.
16 – Use Affirmations change your state of mind.
Affirmations are basically positive statements that aim to challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more positive ones. They are similar to visualizations but instead of using images they rely on rewording negative thoughts into more positive ones. Positive affirmations can reshape neural pathways in the brain, making it easier to adopt and maintain a positive mindset over time.